Mrs. Muntah Jemal, Plenipotentiary Minister (charged de’ affairs of the Embassy), and staff welcomed and discussed with the China Council of the Promotion of International Trade and China Chamber of International Commerce leaders at the Embassy premises on January 26, 2024. The discussion focused on the bilateral and multilateral cooperation between Ethiopia, China, and BRICS countries, respectively. Mr. Shan Ming, Deputy Director General of the Department of International Cooperation, CCPIT, and Mr. Zhan Ruichao, Deputy Director General of the Department of Multilateral Cooperation, CCOIC, expressed their heartfelt congratulations to Ethiopia for officially joining the BRIC countries on January 1, 2024. They came to the Ethiopian Embassy in Beijing to officially welcome Ethiopia to the BRICS countries and highlight some of the forums that will take place in the coming months. On the other hand, Mrs. Muntah Jemal appreciated the officials from CCPIT and CCOIC for visiting and highlighted the structure and incoming forums at the Embassy. She added that Ethiopia is ready to work closely and add additional multilateralism to our bilateral cooperation. Both officials agreed to support each other in areas of need

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