Press Release

The Truth about Chinese Investment in Ethiopia

At present, Ethiopia and China  have already upgraded their diplomatic relations to the top level of ‘All Weather Strategic Partnership’ and are cooperating together to create a better and a mutually beneficial relationship.

Sino-Ethiopia effective partnership has also started paying its dividends to China’s private companies and state-owned enterprises that have taken an initiative to take part in the Ethiopia’s transformative journey. Since the establishment of the Eastern Industrial Park, the first Industrial Park in Ethiopia, the Chinese enterprises have taken commendable steps in investing and creating jobs in Ethiopia. They are also engaged in the majority of the 29 Industrial Parks and one Free Trade Zone.

One of the most important aspects in the Ethiopian Economy these past years has been the ever-growing investments from Chinese companies in Ethiopia.

According to Ethiopian Investment commission data 1844 Chinese projects are operating in Ethiopia. Last 6 months (from July to December 2023) 126 Chinese enterprises projects have been registered at Ethiopian Investment Commission and out of 126 projects 8 projects have started operating. 

Hence, Contrary to some social media outlets misinformation about Chinese investment in Ethiopia, The Ethiopian Government attaches great importance to its relations with China.


Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia


January 24/2024

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