The MoU focuses on the areas of joint staff and student exchange programs, scholarships, research projects, as well as information and material exchange initiatives.
On the siging cermony of the MoU, Gardachew Worku (PhD), President of Injibara University, expressed, his excitement for this collaboration, emphasizing its significance in promoting international exchange, joint research, and staff and student mobility between the institutions. He also added that his confidence in the future benefits that this partnership will bring, not only for the academic community but beyond.
Dr. Chen Guanghui, Vice President of Hunan Agricultural University, also expressed his appreciation for this collaboration. He highlighted the importance of such partnerships in promoting cultural exchange, cooperation, and mutual understanding between institutions and countries, particularly in the fields of agriculture and related sciences. Dr. Guanghui hoped that this partnership would create opportunities for academic innovation and contribute to sustainable development.
Finally, conclusion remarks were given by Deputy Minister of Minsitry of Education, Samuel Kifle (PhD) acknowledged and supported the importance of higher education institutions collaborating with international academic institutions to promote cultural exchange, research collaborations and innovation. He pledged his full support to the collaboration and encouraged all parties involved to work together to accomplish the goals outlined in the MoU. Dr. Samuel was confident that this partnership would enrich academic experiences, strengthen institutional ties, and lead to greater discoveries in agriculture and related fields.
The signing ceremony was attended by delegates from Hunan province, including the provincial education office deputy director, Vice President of Hunan Agricultural University, President of Hunan City University, President of SAWICH and others, as well as presidents of the universities, deans, and Dr. Samuel Kifle.The discussion was held at the office of the Ministry of Education, Addis Ababa.

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