H.E. Ambassador Tefera Derbew delivered keynotes speech at “The China (Pu’er) International Coffee Expo” in Yunnan province, Pu’er city with the theme of “Pu’er Coffee, Shared Worldwide”. January 5th,2024
His speech was focused on the potential of Ethiopian coffee for the world and how it is important to import Ethiopian coffee. He started his speech by thanked the organizers committee and delighted that the exhibition is dedicated to coffee origins, gives Ethiopia a chance as the origin place of coffee to promote one of Ethiopia’s precious gifts to the civilized world.
He mentioned that coffee is part and parcel of Ethiopia’s social fabric, and any guest visiting Ethiopia will certainly feel the profound coffee culture deeply embedded in the identity of the Ethiopian people. He also added that, being one of the world’s three main beverages, coffee is like a bridge, connecting all countries in the world, crossing borders and races, narrowing the distance between people in the global village, and letting culture plug in wings through coffee cultural exchanges, promoting the great integration and development of excellent cultures among all human beings in the world.
He underscored that, today, about 3% of the world’s supply of coffee comes from Ethiopia, which makes Ethiopia the 1st coffee producer in Africa and the 5th-largest global. In recent years, we have witnessed a growing boost in China’s coffee market as China became one of the largest importers of Ethiopian coffee. Recent data show that China has now become the largest importer of Ethiopian coffee. Finally, Ambassador Tefera concluded his speech by quoted “ flavors which range from winy, to fruity and chocolaty are delicious players for mixtures which give a strong gratifying taste. I am sure you will taste and enjoy it.”

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