H.E. Ambassador Dewano Kedir, Deputy Head of Mission, had an interview with CCTV regarding Ethiopian tourism promotion. The H.E. Ambassador appreciated the relationship between the two friendly countries.He also mentioned how the Chinese support Ethiopia and Africa in economic aspects.China is our biggest partner in trade and investment by exporting Ethiopian coffee and other products, he added.Ethiopia is not only the birthplace of mankind but also the birthplace of coffee.Ethiopian coffee is sweet and special compared with other coffees. Overall, Ethiopian coffee is known for its complex flavors, ranging from fruity and floral to spicy and chocolaty. Its unique flavor profile is due to the country’s diverse growing regions, high altitude, and heirloom coffee beans.Ethiopia will establish a new coffee center in Beijing, and the location will be disclosed soon.Ambassador Dewano invited Chinese to visit Ethiopia as tourists and taste Ethiopian coffee and buy it for their friends, family, and loved ones.
Finally, he concludes that Ethiopia recently joined BRIC countries, which is good for cooperation, economic development, and political relations. Ambassador appreciated the CCTV for being our voice our voice to the Chinese people regarding this matter. For more detail including video kindly visit Embassy of Ethiopia, Beijing official Facebook page.

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