China reiterated that it will continue to provide support to efforts of improving the lives of citizens through the development of renewable energy in Ethiopia.

The Government of Ethiopia, the Chinese government and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have signed a new project agreement based on the South-South tripartite development cooperation framework for biogas, biomass and solar energy.

Present at the tripartite cooperation agreement were Ethiopia’s Minister of State for Water and Energy Sultan Wali and representatives of the Chinese government and the United Nations Development Program.

During the event, Sultan Wali revealed that the agreement allows for the development of renewable energy on biogas and solar energy in Walayta Sodo University and its surroundings, primary schools in Harar city, and Amhara region.

In conformance to the agreement, efforts will be made to establish a research center that will help the work of renewable energy generation and to develop the capacity of researchers, he said.

For his part, Yang Yihang, Minister Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs at the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia, said that China is cooperating with Africa on multifaceted areas of development to prevent climate change.

He underscored that the tripartite agreement to establish a renewable energy research center and expand development of renewable energy options in Ethiopia is a cornerstone to boost the development of the energy sector.

Through its strong policy measure, China will provide continued support to Ethiopia’s undertakings to improve the lives of citizens through the expansion of renewable energy options development.

Cleophas Torori, Deputy Resident Representative for UNDP Ethiopia, said that expanding renewable energy options development is of great benefit in tackling climate change and building a green economy.

He underscored that the tripartite cooperation agreement will help to enhance the development of renewable energy sources from biomass, biogas and solar energy.

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