A delegation of Ethiopian Embassy in Beijing has participated at “The First Hunan (Lianqiao) Traditional Medicine Industry Expo) held on November 10,2023 in Shaodong city, Hunan province, China.
H.E. Ambassador Dewano Kedir has delivered speech at the Expo and he boldly emphasized longstanding bilateral relationship existing between Ethiopia and China. His speech has also focused on potential opportunities to deepen the two sisterly countries relationship based on mutual interests.
The Ethiopian Embassy was the only representative of Foreign countries at the expo. This clearly demonstrates the two countries strong relationship as well as our potential opportunities in the fields of pharmaceuticals to cooperate with Chinese investors.
In addition to that the delegation has visited different companies and sites in Shaodong, Hunan province.

Disclaimer: The official text of the Embassy Website is the English language version. Any discrepancies or differences created in translations are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes.
