The moto of forum is “Pooling the strength of Chinese and African Women and jointly Promoting the Comprehensive Development.”
Mrs. Dr. Ergoge Tesfaye FDREthiopia Minister of Women and Social affairs, Mrs. Peng Liyuan Wife of President Xi Jinping, H.E. Mrs. Angelina Ndayishimiye (First lady of the Republic of Burundi), H.E. Mrs. Angelina Ndayishimiye ( First lady of the Republic of Burundi), H.E. Mrs. Monica Chakwera ( First lady of the Republic of Malawi), H.E. Mrs. Mariam Mwinyi ( First lady of Zanzibar), and others gave Key note Speeches and remarks and agreed on the adopted outcome document which was presented by Mrs. Lin Yi., Vice President of All-China Women’s Federation.

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