On July 16, 2024, H.E Dr. Dereje Duguma Gemeda, the State Minister of Health Service and the Program Wing of Ethiopia, delivered a significant speech at the 3rd Conference of the Global Health Forum (GHF) of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), held in Beijing, China. In his address, Dr. Duguma highlighted Health in All Policies – Urgent Need in Africa. This approach advocates for the Integration of health considerations in policymaking across all sectors, to improve population health outcomes and reduce health-inequities.
Dr. Duguma emphasized that achieving Sustainable Development Goal#3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, is an urgent priority for Ethiopia in particular and Africa continent in general. He discussed various challenges and opportunities related to health policy in Africa and underscored the importance of international collaboration and comprehensive strategies to address these issues effectively.

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