H.E., Ambassador Tefera Derbew, the head of the Ethiopian Embassy in Beijing, China, has received in his office Mr. Sun Chenlong, the Deputy General Manager of the China Tourism Group Travel Service Co. Ltd., on November 24, 2023.
H.E. Ambassador Tefera informs Mr. Sun and his team during the conversation on the vast array of Ethiopian tourist attractions, which include historical, cultural, and natural tourist spots all over the nation. The ambassador asks the travel agency to collaborate with the Ethiopian Embassy in order to encourage Chinese nationals to make frequent trips to Ethiopia.
On his side, Mr. Sun Chenlong agreed to collaborate with the Embassy to encourage Chinese nationals to choose Ethiopia as their top African travel destination.

Disclaimer: The official text of the Embassy Website is the English language version. Any discrepancies or differences created in translations are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes.
