On 22 June 2024, Ethiopian Embassy in hosted Ethiopian Livestock Value Chains Experience Sharing and Business Dialogue Forum.
H.E. Ambassador Tefera Derbew delivered a keynote speech at the Ethiopian Livestock Value Chains Experience Sharing and Business Dialogue Forum, held at the Ethiopian Embassy. The forum aimed to bolster bilateral cooperation and investment in Ethiopias thriving livestock sector.
Ambassador Derbew highlighted the sector’s important role in Ethiopia’s national economy and its vast potential for growth. He emphasized the government’s strategic initiatives to modernize the livestock value chain, enhance productivity, and ensure sustainability.
Dr. Alemayehu Mekonnen, Senior Advisor, Office of the state minister for Livestock & Fisheries in the Resources Development Sector of the Ministry of Agriculture, provided a detailed narration of these initiatives.
Mr. Kargbo Stephen, UNIDO Representative of the Regional Office in China, also shared his experiences during his time in Ethiopia and China.
In conclusion, H.E. Ambassador Tefera invited and encouraged Chinese livestock-product importers to consider Ethiopia for quality organic livestock-products. He also urged Chinese Investors to invest in Ethiopia, exploit the huge market access in and around Ethiopia for livestock products, and utilize the incentives available for Investors.

Disclaimer: The official text of the Embassy Website is the English language version. Any discrepancies or differences created in translations are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes.
