On 22 February 2023, Commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission, H.E. Lelise Nami had a fruitful discussion with Mr. Liu Dianxun, the Director General of China Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) on strengthening investment promotion issues in Beijing.
H.E. Commissioner recalled that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in 2022 between the Ethiopian Investment Commission and the China International Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) to work on cooperation, and stated that the joint promotion and attraction of investment between the two sides will continue to be strengthened.
Furthermore, Commissioner Lelise explained Ethiopia’s favorable investment opportunities and called on the agency to provide its usual support for Chinese investors to make Ethiopia as a primary investment destination.
Mr. Liu Dianxun on his part, promised that his agency will work closely with the Ethiopian Investment Commission to strengthen the investment relationship between the two countries.

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