Category: News

Wolaita Sodo University (WSU) and the National Institute for Parasitic Diseases (NIPD) – Center for Tropical Diseases Research (CTDR), which is under the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), jointly co-organized “Ethiopia-China Virtual Symposium on Cooperation on Research of Tropical Diseases”

On 16 June 2022, Wolaita Sodo University (WSU) and the National Institute for Parasitic Diseases (NIPD) – Center for Tropical Diseases Research (CTDR), which is under the Chinese Center for…

Ambassador Teshome Toga held a fruitful discussion with Mr. Gao Lei, the vice president of CGCOC Group and Managing Director of East African Branch on ways in which the company can make investments on the Green Development Projects focusing on Solar Energy, Electric City Bus and Juncao Techonolgy

On June 09, 2022, Ambassador Teshome Toga held a fruitful discussion with Mr. Gao Lei, the vice president of CGCOC Group and Managing Director of East African Branch on ways…

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