On June 20, 2023, H.E. Ambassador Tefera Derbew had a fruitful discussion with Mr. Chen Jiangfeng, Deputy Director General of Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Province of the People’s Republic of China.
During the discussion, the Ambassador has mentioned that the time-honored friendship that exists between Ethiopia and China is growing from time to time in all aspects of engagement. He also recognized the excellent economic relationship between Ethiopia and Zhejiang province. Referring to the massive development and transformation of industries in the Province, Ambassador stressed the need to further boost the level of exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, in areas of investment, trade, tourism, institutional and city twin ship, technical and vocational training.
Mr. Chen Jiangfeng, on his part mentioned that Ethiopia is a key strategic partner for China and the Province attaches a great importance to boost mutually beneficial cooperations. He further stated that Zhejiang province will play its own pivotal role elevate the two countries exchanges in the aforementioned areas of common interest.
Finally, both sides agreed to work closely to pursue a much needed fruitful cooperation.
Zhejiang is an eastern coastal province in China and the fourth largest province in the country in terms of Nominal GDP. Its capital city, Hangzhou is known as ‘the House of Silk’, one of the seven ancient capitals of China with silk fabrics uncovered in the region dating back 4,700 years to the Neolithic Liangzhu culture (3400-2250 BC). The City is also know to be the headquarter world largest ecommerce and fintech companies such as Alibaba, NetEase and Ant Group.

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