Month: November 2023

H.E. Worknesh Birru, State Minister, Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and her delegation met with H.E. Guo Jun, Vice Chairman of the Economic…

በኤምባሲያችን ምክትል ሚሲዮን መሪ የተመራ ልዑካን ቡድን በሁቤ ፕሮቨንስ የስራ ጉብኝት በማካሄድ በውሀን ከተማ በተካሄደ በChina-Nordic Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum እና Hubei-Nordic Economic and Trade Forum ላይ ባደረገው ተሳትፎ የሀገራችንን የኢንቨስትመንትና ንግድ ዕድሎች አስተዋውቋል፡፡

በኤምባሲያችን ምክትል ሚሲዮን መሪ የተመራ ልዑካን ቡድን በሁቤ ፕሮቨንስ የስራ ጉብኝት በማካሄድ በውሀን ከተማ በተካሄደ በChina-Nordic Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum እና Hubei-Nordic Economic and Trade Forum ላይ ባደረገው ተሳትፎ…

The high levele delegation of Regional State’s presidents led by H.E. Mr. Adem Farah Vice president of Prosperity Party paid a visit to one of the wonders of the world…

Disclaimer: The official text of the Embassy Website is the English language version. Any discrepancies or differences created in translations are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes.
